Monday, November 12, 2007

Sources Blog-Three stories that I find don't tell me enough about the sources to help me judge their creditbility

When any reporter is writing a story the sources that reporter uses are very important. A reporter must make sure their sources are credible, as doing so will allow their story to be read more clearly and show they actually did their research. When a reporter uses credible sources their articles often appear better written and easier to follow. Also when a reporter uses credible sources, readers may be less likely to second guess where the article's information came from.
Three articles which do not tell enough about the sources to judge their credibility all appeared in The Toronto Star on Nov. 9 , 2007. The articles are Argos get Christmas Bonus , Ottawa to grab Scooter from Veteran, 86 and, Chain tests new stores formats, mulls pricing.
Argos get Christmas bonus is written by sports reporter, Rick Matsumoto. This article is about how Toronto Argonaunt players who live in the United States are benefiting from the strong Canadian dollar.
The article uses quotes which basically state how the players are happy about the exchange rate and will be able to spend more and get more money back than ever before from the exchange.
This article does not state how the players know about the exchange rate and the reporter may have interviewed an economist who knows about the spending of professional athletes.
Ottawa to grab Scooter from Veteran, 86 places focus on Dr. Robert Young, a World War Two veteran. Young is having his means of transportation, a scooter taken away because Veterans Affairs Canada has declared him a dangerous driver.
Stephen Little, a district director with Veterans Affairs Canada, states the conditions and responsibilities which veterans inherit when they receive equipment but does state what constitutes a dangerous driver.
Chain test new store formats, mulls pricing is an article about how Blockbuster Incorporated says they will be testing pricing for their rental formats. They will be experimenting with store layout by adding downloading stations in an effort to shore up their customer base.
Some ideas for Blockbuster's new rental format include creating an interactive area in their stores for children to play and an area for customers to download entertainment onto portable media players.
This article sates that Jim Keyes is the Chief Executive Officer at Blockbuster Video but does nto state why he references the Apple Store's recent success for what his company is trying to do.

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